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When your child is born, their skull is not completely formed. The bones that make up the skull and the jaw are soft in places, and can move around. It will take months before these bones become more solid and fuse together, and during this time there are many factors that can affect the correct development of the skull, jaws and teeth.

Some developmental factors are hard to control, like genetics, but only 20% of developmental defects are inborn, many others can be prevented if you know what to look out for.

Here is a breakdown of the key factors that can influence the development of your child’s jaws, teeth and palate – the parts that we as a dental company take special interest in.

Understanding breathing and tongue posture

Notice how your baby breathes, especially during sleep. Normally, babies will breathe through their nose – this is one of the signs that the jaw and palate are developing in a healthy way.

Tongue posture influences on the development of jaws and palate. Depending on where tongue rests (when a child isn’t eating or speaking), it can either expand or narrow the palate and jaws.

✅ When the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth it promotes the correct jaw development. Tongue creates enough pressure to expand the upper jaw leaving space for all teeth. A properly developed jaw promotes a healthy facial growth from both functional and aesthetic point of view.

❌ When tongue rests lower, the upper jaw doesn’t expand and there is not enough room for all teeth. As a result, the teeth are misaligned and will require orthodontic treatment later on.

A quick test: swallowing isn’t as simple as it seems

As adults, we take swallowing for granted. But when you stop to think about what swallowing actually involves, you’ll realise that this is a complex action – and it’s one that a child has to learn how to do.

Close your eyes and concentrate on your tongue. Notice how it rests loosely behind the front teeth. This is the tongue’s natural resting position.

Now, chew a piece of food and, when you’re ready to swallow, observe the following:

Firstly, the tip of the tongue touches the front of the palate and the food is pushed backwards. Then the back of the tongue presses against the hard palate – the roof of the mouth – and the food slides further backwards.

Now, the soft palate – the area at the back of the roof of the mouth – performs an incredible feat. It is pulled upwards, closing the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat) and is simultaneously pulled downwards.

At the same time, the epiglottis – the flap of tissue behind the tongue that prevents food entering your airway – opens, and the food slides down into the gullet.

The tongue and palate can now relax once more until it’s time for the next bite.

👉 Generally, using a proper dummy that promotes nasal breathing greatly improves the quality of sleep and ensures the correct development of the palate and upper jaw. The dummy needs to be biofunctional and have a soft flat tip. Our own Curaprox Baby Soother was designed with these requirements in mind.

Picking the right soother

There are a few guidelines for picking a soother that will stimulate the proper development of jaws and teeth. Our own Curaprox Baby Soother series was designed with these guidelines in mind, and we recommend these products – chosen according to the correct size for their child – to all parents.

Soothers Q&A

What is the best time to start using a soother?

It is safe to start using a soother from around day 5 to 15 after birth, provided that you use the correct size. However, you should establish breastfeeding first, and use soothers later. 

How do I prepare a soother?

Before its first use, keep the soother in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then let the soother completely cool off and dry out. After each use, thoroughly wash the soother in warm water with mild soap. 

How do I know when to give my baby a soother?

If your baby is wanting to suck on something, check that there is no other underlying reason. First, check that the baby is not hungry. After 9–10 months, if your child asks for a soother, this might be a sign they are stressed, tired or bored. It makes sense to identify and address these issues first.

Can I give the child a soother and go about my day?

No. A soother is not a replacement for the comfort of a parent’s cuddle and touch. Make sure you are there for your child, hold them in your arms and make them comfortable, and keep them by your side as much as possible in the first months of their life. Also note that using a soother permanently throughout the days can slow down the development of the jaw and teeth.

Does a soother promote or interfere with speech development?

A proper soother with a soft flexible flat tip helps a baby develop proper swallowing habits. Since babies swallow differently to adults, proper swallowing takes them some time to learn. In turn, proper swallowing helps prevent problems with speech development, so using a properly-designed soother helps prevent speech problems later in life.

Improper soothers (for example, with cherry-shaped tips) can interfere with swallowing and the development of the tongue and palate, all of which contributes to problems with speech later in life.

Can we fix damage that has been done by an improper soother?

Some damage can be fixed with orthodontic treatment. However, it is always advised to focus on prevention rather than treatment. 

Can I make a soother at home? Or use other objects?

No. Homemade soothers can be dangerous to your child. For example, a nipple from a feeding bottle, when used as a soother, has caused many cases of suffocation. It takes a lot of design and research to make a soother safe for your child.

Any household materials can potentially harm your child if used as a soother for a prolonged period of time.

Can I dip the soother in honey or sugar before use?

You definitely shouldn’t. Honey can cause severe poisoning in babies, and all sugary substances are a direct threat to their dental health. Babies don’t need sugar on soothers. 

The Curaprox Soother

• Soft silicone imitates the natural feel of a nipple, and promotes swallowing
• A flat tip to prevent an open bite and allow for proper development of the palate
• A rounded arch-like shape to prevent misalignment of teeth
• Promotes breathing through the nose
• Three different sizes, to perfectly fit your child
• Biofunctional, toxin-free and safe
• Compatible with the Curaprox Soother Holder

Can I put a soother on a string round the child’s neck?

Definitely not. Nothing should be tied round a child’s neck at any time. Have the soother in a holder somewhere out of reach of the child when not in use. Never tie anything to your child’s neck – a string tied around the neck can cause suffocation and death. 

If you need to secure a soother, the Curaprox Soother Holder can be a suitable aid. The holder and the accompanying cord are designed to be safe for your baby.

Is it okay for a child to walk around all day with a soother in their mouth?

Most likely – no. Walking or crawling around means you have a toddler. Using a soother at this age will likely cause problems with their teeth and interfere with the development of their speech. 

Walking with a soother is also dangerous: if a child trips or falls, there is risk of choking or suffocation.

Is it ok if my child bites on the soother?

No. As your child grows, they become strong enough to bite off pieces of their soothers, which can cause choking. If they are starting to bite the soother, it is time for them to stop using it. 

When should the baby give up the soother?

Up until 9 months, using a soother can be indispensable for your child.

After 9 months, the child loses their natural urge to suck, but they can still have a strong habit of sucking for comfort. However, giving it up should be a natural process. Most babies naturally give up sucking before they turn 3 years old.

Never use pressure or humiliation to make a child give up their soother. It is recommended to reward your child when they decide to give up soothers.

How do I know when it’s time to replace a soother?

You’ll need to replace a soother every two months for hygienic reasons. However, if you see tears or cracks in the soother before that, replace the soother immediately.

Your child’s oral health: a complete guide

Milk teeth are not as strong and durable as adult teeth. But even before milk teeth appear, there are things parents can do to ensure their child’s long-term dental health.

In this guide, we will take you through the stages of your child’s development to highlight the main challenges and recommend the best routines.


Most babies are born without teeth; it takes about 6–9 months for the first milk teeth to appear. Milk teeth will start breaking through gums, often causing discomfort, mild swelling and episodes of slight fever. This is all normal. Your baby’s gums can handle the emergence of milk teeth, so you don’t need to medicate or try to alleviate their pain all the time.

A common mistake is trying to eliminate all possible discomfort by excessive use of anaesthetic tooth gel, sanitising, alcohol-based solutions or even giving medication to babies to relieve the pain. Teething is a natural process – it can be unpleasant, but overmedicating a baby can be incredibly dangerous. Here is what you can do instead:

Use a teething ring to ease your baby’s discomfort. This ring helps both relieve the pain and develop your baby’s motor skills. Curaprox has a selection of teething rings that are safe and stimulating. The tactile and visual textures of the ring stimulate the sensory system, whilst a built-in rattle will attract your baby’s attention. Your baby will bite into the ring, minimising the pain and stimulating the gums for easier teething.

Keep using the teething ring after the first tooth appears. Babies can feel the urge to stimulate their gums well into months 16–18.

Gently wipe your baby’s face with a clean damp cloth. The baby will salivate a lot during teething, and excessive saliva can irritate their skin.

Let them teethe. Soothe and calm your baby, but do it in person, not through medication, pills or alcohol-containing solutions.

Contact your pediatrician if teething is accompanied by prolonged spikes in temperature, diarrhoea and other severe symptoms. Do not give your baby any medication without consulting your pediatrician first.

The Curaprox Teething Ring

• Helps relieve the discomfort caused by teething
• Textures, colours and sounds stimulate the brain
• Built-in toothbrush for your child’s first brushing experience
• Biofunctional, toxin-free and safe
• Compatible with the Curaprox Soother Holder to keep the ring off the floor
• Suitable throughout the entire teething phase

Using soothers

Soothers (also known as dummys or pacifiers) can help your child stay relaxed, sleep better and feel less anxiety when the mother is away. However, their prolonged use can interfere with the development of the mouth, jaw and teeth, unless a properly designed soother is used.

Things to look for in a soother:

  • Soft silicone to imitate the natural feel of a nipple.
  • A flat tip that works well with the palate and prevents an open bite.
  • A rounded shape that prevents misalignment of teeth: the front needs to be slightly arched, spreading the suction pressure over to the jawbone and not the teeth.
  • A breathable design that promotes proper breathing through the nose, not the mouth.

Soothers are developed in different sizes based on your child’s weight, so make sure you pick the right size for your baby.

Remember that a soother is not a replacement for interaction. The best place a baby can be is always with their parent or carer, but a soother can be used as a temporary measure to ease anxiety or keep them calm when, for example, they sleep or you take your child for a walk.

The Curaprox Soother

• Soft silicone imitates the natural feel of a nipple, and promotes swallowing
• A flat tip to prevent an open bite and allow for proper development of the palate
• A rounded arch-like shape to prevent misalignment of teeth
• Promotes breathing through the nose
• Three different sizes, to perfectly fit your child
• Biofunctional, toxin-free and safe
• Compatible with the Curaprox Soother Holder

Taking care of the first milk teeth

Your child will be using their milk teeth for a good 7–12 years, after which they will be replaced by adult teeth. During this time it is important to preserve milk teeth and make sure they are replaced naturally with the corresponding permanent tooth. If your child loses a milk tooth to caries or injury, there is a good chance that their adult teeth will be displaced. Caries can also spread to the upcoming adult tooth. This will require orthodontic treatment in the future.

One of the key challenges with milk teeth is caries. Because of our modern diets, our teeth are under a lot of chemical stress:

  • Processed foods are often high in sugar, which is the main nutrient to bacteria that breed in our mouths. Our bodies are not equipped to naturally counteract such high levels of sugar, so we need extra help.
  • Soda drinks are often not only sugary, but also contain high amounts of acids that offset the chemical balance in the enamel. It is dangerous for adult teeth, and even more dangerous for the thinner enamel in milk teeth.
  • Children tend to be less disciplined than adults, so they can skip brushing more often. Combined with sugary and acidic diets, this can lead to rapid tooth decay and orthodontic problems later in life.

Here is what you can do:

Brush your teeth together. As early as you can, start brushing your baby’s teeth. Use a specialised brush for children, like the Curaprox Baby toothbrush. Brush the teeth together: first, you brush your teeth as your child watches. Then, you let the child brush their teeth on their own. Finally, you help them finish brushing with a proper technique.

Here is what to do for best results:

  1. Put the baby on your lap with their back to you and their head resting against your chest. The baby needs to feel the comfort and care. 
  2. Brush their teeth using small circles, making sure you cover all the surfaces.
  3. As your child gets older, stand behind them, tilting their head backwards.

The Curaprox Baby toothbrush comes in packages of two, for a reason. Give one to your child for experimentation: get them to try brushing themselves, teach them about brushing and let them do it on their own. But as your child experiments, the brush will get bent out of shape very quickly, which is normal. You can then use the second brush included in the brush set to carefully brush your child’s teeth.

Toothpaste is also recommended for young children because it contains fluoride, which is important for the development of strong and healthy teeth. A rice-sized amount of toothpaste is usually enough.

❤️ It’s a good idea to make brushing a comfortable and desired experience for your child. If you rush, press too hard or cover just one side of your child’s teeth, the child will learn an improper brushing technique or, even worse, will tend to avoid brushing altogether. Make sure your child loves brushing and does it regularly, not just when you are watching or taking charge.

For babies: Curaprox Baby

• Your baby’s first toothbrush
• Ultra-soft high-density bristles for gentle and efficient cleaning. Protects the enamel and the tissues in your child’s mouth
• Small brush head optimized for babies
• Rubberized head and handle for softness and protection
• Textures and colors stimulate the brain
• Rounded handle with extra grip help children learn to brush
• A special stand keeps the brush upright, helps maintain order and dry the brush between sessions
• Biofunctional, toxin-free and safe

Here are the four stages of tooth cleaning with your child:

  1. Dependent cleaning (first tooth)
    You clean your child’s teeth while they experiment with the brush and learn about brushing.
  2. Supported cleaning (2,5 y. o.)
    Your child’s first attempts at independent brushing. Teach them the proper technique and make sure they are accustomed to brushing all areas.
  3. Supervised cleaning (9 y. o.)
    Lead your child by example and make sure the entire family follows the proper brushing rituals.
  4. Independent brushing (young adults)
    Teach your children about the costs of dental treatment vs. dental prophylaxis.

Developing proper habits for life

Your child learns from you and from the things you do together. Make sure that the example you give to your child leads them to proper oral hygiene habits in their future adult life.

Daily rituals

You absolutely can not skip brushing – your child copies your behaviour and learns from you. Your rigid daily routines are imprinted in the habits that your child will carry through life.

Regular dental check-ups

Do not wait for teeth to start hurting before going to the dentist. Make regular appointments with your dentist at least once a year (twice is better), and have your child examined too. Your child needs to understand the importance of prevention over treatment. 

Your child’s first dental appointment can happen right after your baby’s first birthday.

Proper diet

Try keeping sweets, chocolate, fruit juices and soda drinks to the minimum – not only in your child’s diet, but also in your own diet. Your child needs to see you enjoy healthy foods and approach high-sugar content foods with caution and moderation.